The West Highland White Terrier (often called Westie) is a dog breed from Scotland with a distinctive white coat. They are medium to small sized dogs with a lot of attitude and we have always been obsessed with them. We hope that by sharing our experience, you might be inspired to adopt one yourself!
West Highland White Terrier
Average Weight: 6.8–9.1 kg (15–20 lb)
Average Height: 25–28 cm (9.8–11.0 in)
Coat: Double (very thick!)
Color: White (duh!)
Litter size: Three to five
Life span: 12 to 17 years
Generally, they are not thought to be super kid-friendly dogs as they can be moody and prefer solitude. But as with people and personalities, dogs might have a breed but their personality varies greatly! It really depends and that is why it’s important to visit a litter with their mom and observe to see if there is a perfect pup for you and your family.
We have found our Westie challenging to train because he likes to do what he likes and does not like what he doesn’t like. He’s motivated by yummy food, but not necessarily traditional dog treats. After meeting many Westies and their owners, we have found that many characteristics depends on the situation. Each and every dog is unique!
Here’s more information we found helpful regarding Westies:
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